
Monday, May 24, 2010

Change in working style for Traffic policemen in North Indian cities

The summer has forced the men in white to change shifts and style of working. Personnel of city police's traffic branch will soon get parasols (large umbrella) at junctions and protective gear to beat the heat.

According to senior traffic branch officials, the summer is taking a toll on personnel deployed on the road due to prolonged exposure to heat. After several reported incidents of fainting and dehydration, the officials have relaxed working hours.

"We have asked all personnel to consume as much liquid as possible on duty. They have also been asked to stay in shade during lean hours or take rounds in nearby areas to reduce chances of a heat stroke," said Mohan Jha, joint commissioner of police (traffic).

He added that the protective gear will be provided soon. "All major points have been identified and umbrellas will be made available soon. No heat-related incident involving personnel has taken place yet but precautionary steps are being taken to prevent it," added Jha.

Traffic brigade officials have also been provided with goggles. Similar proposal is in the pipeline for traffic police personnel, said senior officials.

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