
Monday, May 24, 2010

Bangalorians can file their complaints online soon

Get prepared for an e-revolution in civic life. You will not have to run around or make repeated calls for the fused streetlights, potholed roads, fallen trees or damaged electric poles in your area. Just come online, write about it and get it fixed by the concerned agency.

Finally, India's IT capital can boast of a holistic public complaint management system, one that integrates complaining civilians, acting civic agencies and the ruling government online.

The Times of India's Bangalore Patrol, conceived and managed by Janaagraha, is working on an online complaint management system where people can log in, locate their area, file their complaint and submit it online. These complaints will then be directed to the concerned authority. The agencies will also have an option to log in and update the complaint status online.

The idea is based on common man's experiences and careful studies of the various success models that have been adopted and implemented in many developed countries, including the UK and the US.

UK's is already doing it for many years now. So is the in US that equips the common man and the governing agencies on reporting and receiving issues across the various neighbourhood communities.

This facility will be made available online on the WISA portal, a month after the first report card for all the 198 wards is out.

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