
Monday, May 24, 2010

Black Box of the crashed flight in Mangalore found

According to Airline sources, Black Box of the crashed Air India Express aircraft has been recovered.

The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) of the illfated Air India Express plane were recovered earlier from the crash site and are expected to provide vital clues about the cause of the accident that left 158 passengers and crew dead.

The CVR, which provides conversation details between the pilot and air traffic control and within the cockpit, and the FDR or the 'Black Box', containing technical data, were removed from the wreckage of the Boeing 737-800 aircraft, the airline sources said.

Teams, probing the worst air tragedy in the country in a decade, had begun their operations early in the morning to locate the CVR and the FDR.

Certain other instruments and aircraft portions, which would be of help in the investigation, have also been extricated from the plane's debris.

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