
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Plane crash in Begumpet airshow left two dead

Describing the crash of an Indian Navy aircraft in Hyderabad as tragic, US ambassador Timothy J. Roemer, who was present at the air show, said "these heartbreaking losses have even more piercing impact when you are part of the event".

Roemer is leading an American delegation to India Aviation 2010 in Hyderabad.

"What began as such a promising day has sadly ended so tragically," he said in a statement. "As the full extent of this tragedy is still becoming known, all of our thoughts and prayers are with those who lost their lives or were injured, and with their families," the US envoy said.

"These heartbreaking losses have even more piercing impact when you are part of the event," he added.

An Indian Navy trainer aircraft crashed into a two-storied building in a densely populated locality during an air show here Wednesday, killing the pilot and his co-pilot and injuring four civilians on the ground.

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