
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Missing communist leader W R Varadharajan found dead in the Porur Pond

The Chennai police have found a decomposed body which they suspect could be of the missing Communist leader W R Varadarajan.

According to his wife Saraswathy, a few identification marks match but police say they can confirm only after forensic test reports.

The veteran trade union leader has been missing for 10 days now after he was removed from the party's highest decision making body, the central committee following adverse reports from the state unit.

His wife, too, had reportedly complained of misconduct. The police suspect he may have committed suicide.

Varadarajan, a qualified chartered accountant and a Brahmin had married Saraswathy, a Reserve Bank employee and a Dalit after the death of his first wife.

He had given up his job with the Reserve Bank of India to pursue Left politics.

Varadharajan is said to have developed a relationship with a woman, when she approached him seeking some help following which his relationship with his wife had soured.

In the wake of his personal problems, Varadharajan, a national secretary of CITU and a Central Committee member of CPM, was divested of all party posts early this month for his conduct that was not in conformity with the Marxist principles.

Varadarajan was reportedly upset with his expulsion from the party's committee and other problems and left his home on February 11.

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