
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ranjitha objects her so called association in the Video clip with S(ex)wami Nithyananda

Actress Ranjitha, on Thursday, termed the video clips telecast by television channels purportedly showing the tainted self-styled godman Paramahamsa Nithyananda engaging in acts of physical intimacy as “malicious.”

“Our client dissociates herself from the said video which has caused danger to her life, limb and property,” a Delhi-based law firm representing Ranjitha said, adding, “our client strongly objects to being referred to as one of the persons in the video.”

In her first comments made to the media after being embroiled in the alleged sex scandal, the actress said she had issued notices to search engine Google and video-sharing website YouTube, through the law firm, demanding the controversial clippings be removed with in 72 hours, ending 5 pm on Sunday.

The legal firm, PM Law Chambers (PMLC), said in a statement made to the press that it would take “appropriate action” against the Google and YouTube if the defamatory clippings were not

The law firm stated that several “persons have access to the illegally created clips, snippets of video, or are uploading or downloading the same on worldwide web, which is an offence in itself.”

When contacted, a senior official with Google’s global communications and public affairs wing in Bangalore, said he was unaware of the legal notice, and needed to check it with the Internet giant’s law department.

“The authenticity and originality of the alleged person featuring in the video taken clandestinely has to stand the test of admissibility before being treated as evidence in the Courts of Law,” PMLC said.

“The video clips, which clearly amount to gross violation of various laws of India, have malicious, diabolical and destructive intent, and are clearly aimed at bringing harm to the actress,” it said.

Those who were airing and publishing the video clips were doing so for commercial interests, it claimed, adding the actress had “authorised” the firm to initiate legal action against such persons.
Ranjitha, a “hard working, dedicated woman with high morals and has never been accused of any misdemeanor or wrong in the past 20 years,” believed that there was a conspiracy against her, by “vested interests”, who were behind the circulation of the “highly offensive videos.”

The statement requested the media to “respect her privacy, and her need to spend time with her family and recover and recoup” following the controversy.

It added that Ranjitha did not wish to discuss “this incident any further with the media and will stay away from her public life to spend time with her family to recover from this traumatic

The controversy over alleged sleazy activities of Nithyananda broke out on March 2 after TV channels aired the purported video footage showing the actress in intimate positions with him.

Tamil Nadu police registered various cases including rape against Nithyananda before transferring them to Karnataka where his ashram is headquartered at Bidadi, about 35 km from

He was arrested from Solan in Himachal Pradesh on April 21 in a joint operation by Karnataka police and their counterparts in the hilly state.

Earlier, Nithyananda had stated that he was unwell and in samadhi when the video was shot. Lenin Karuppan, formerly a disciple of the swami, had claimed that he had arranged for the secret filming of the swami to expose him.

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