
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tropical cyclone could Hit India & Bangladesh

Officials have issued a cyclone alert at ports in the eastern state of Orissa and begun preparations for mass evacuations amid fears of flooding.

Authorities in Bangladesh have also warned fishing boats to stay close to shore and not to venture into deep water.

Early monsoon rains increase the prospect of better rice, corn and soybean crops but cyclones are a regular hazard through the summer months.

Blockade affests transportation to Manipur

India is flying in emergency supplies to the remote north-eastern state of Manipur after key roads were blocked by separatists from a neighbouring state.

Road links were cut off by supporters of Thuingaleng Muivah, a rebel leader from Nagaland who has been denied entry to Manipur by the state government.

Mr Muivah's home village is in Manipur, which says allowing him to visit would inflame ethnic tensions.

The road blockade has led to a severe shortage of fuel and medicines.

Delhi Govt want Afzal guru to be hanged

Delhi government has backed death for Afzal Guru, sentenced in the Parliament attack case, sources.

Earlier on Tuesday, Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said that the file on Afzal Guru's mercy petition has been sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).

"The letter goes from one department to the other. Neither the ministry writes it nor do I receive it. Moreover, that file has already gone," said the chief minister.

Time to change tactics against Naxals

On a day when over 30 people were killed in a Maoist attack in Dantewada, Home Minister P Chidambaram spoke exclusively to NDTV on a range of issues, including the government's Maoist strategy, Mamata Banerjee's demand for early polls in West Bengal and the need for a caste census.

Here's the full transcript of the interview with Home Minister P Chidambaram
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