
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pak sponsored 26/11 mumbai attacks - Nikam

Describing the 26/11 attacks as a “classic case of state-sponsored terrorism”, the prosecution on Tuesday opened its final arguments and pin-pointed the role of Pakistani Army establishment behind the November 26-29, 2008 Mumbai terror attacks and revealed that the Lashkar-e-Toiba fidayeens were taught the al-Qaeda manual.

“State actors from the security apparatus of Pakistan were behind the attacks,” Nikam told Additional Sessions Judge M L Tahaliyani in presence of Maharashtra Home Minister R R Patil and Minister of State for Home Ramesh Bagwe, who had come down to the Arthur Road Jail especially to witness the opening address of the prosecutor. The statement of Nikam assumes importance in the wake of the fact that Pakistan has denied involvement of “state actors” and have refused to arrest LeT founder and Jamaat-ud-Dawa boss Hafeez Saeed.

“The conspiracy of the 26/11 attack was hatched in Pakistani soil and inevitable inference can be drawn that the attack was state-sponsored,” Nikam said, even as Pakistani gunman Mohammed Ajmal Kasab heard the arguments with rapt attention. Besides Kasab, to Indians – Fahim Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed, who have supplied maps to the LeT bosses, stand trial in the case.

Nikam said the 10 terrorists were well trained in all aspects which is similar to military training – including handling of “mass destruction weapons”. “It was not an ordinary attack which was influenced by indoctrination of the terrorists. But was a meticulously planned operation,” Nikam said.

Substantiating his argument, Nikam took help of the confessional statement give by Kasab at two occasions. “Kasab in his confession had said that one Major General had come to meet them during their training sessions. But his name was not disclosed to the attackers. Thus it is necessary to find out why his name was not revealed. This was to curtail his identity, but are sure that he was from Pakistani Army,” Nikam emphasised.

Nikam further noted that Kasab had also told the court that the Major General had asked them whether they had any complaints about the training. “The kind of training that they received with regards handling of weapons, GPS handling and mobiles, sailing, all indicate that any other organisation could not provide such detailed training as is taught only in military,” he said.

He said that the attackers were given given false identity cards to ensure that their true identity and nationality was not revealed and to see to it that Pakistan's name does not emerge in the attack – an indication that the accused were trained in intelligence operations."Till date Pakistan has refused to take responsibility for the attacks and has not yet claimed the bodies of the nine slain terrorists," the prosecutor said.

He also said that the attackers had adopted the al-Qaeda manual which provide information on how to mislead the investigators.

Nikam said that the trial was delayed just to ensure that no evidence was left out against the terrorists and the other absconding accused and that the evidence could be of help to the FBI who is also investigations.

The main conspirators had directed the terrorists not to reveal their true identity and nationality to see to it that Pakistan's name does not emerge in the attack. “Till date Pakistan has refused to take responsibility for the attacks and has not yet claimed the bodies of the nine slain terrorists,” the prosecutor said.

RR attends 26/11 proceedings

For the first time since the commencement of the 26/11 trial, Maharashtra Home Minister R R Patil and minister of state for Home Ramesh Bagwe attended the proceedings in a special court on Tuesday. Patil's visit assumes significance in the wake of the prosecution opening its final arguments against lone surviving Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab and two Indian national Faheem Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed.

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