
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Govt revives 3 closed stateowned vaccine units ..

Faced with acute shortage of vaccines, the Centre had given its nod for revival of three stateowned vaccine manufacturing units, the Central Research Institute at Kasauli in Himachal Pradesh, Pasteur Institute of India at Coonoor and BCG Vaccine Laboratory in Chennai.

After a calculated assessment and evaluation, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had revoked the suspension of licences of these vaccine manufacturing units.

The government had suspended the licences of these vaccine manufacturing units two years ago.

After taking over as Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad appointed Javid Chowdhury Committee to look into various aspects on these three vaccine manufacturing units.

Javid Chowdhury Committee also recommended the revival of these manufacturing units.

In its order to revoke the suspension of licences, the government said that it had considered the evaluation of impact of the post-suspension era in terms of the availability and prices of vaccines on the universal immunization programme and the paramount public interest involved in maintaining its own captive production capacity in the government sector.

The government also said in its order that these units should ensure that the production of vaccines be fully compliant with the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards within three years.

It also asked the Central Research Institute, Kasauli to submit quarterly progress reports to the government.

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